Single Membership Lots
The following is the legend for the colors for each lot:

Don't forget to check out the Buildable Membership Lots and Cabins / Homes too!
Lots Owned by CCR Association
23500 Ranch House Trail Atlanta MI 49709
For Sale
By Bid
Canada Creek Ranch (CCR) as an organization has lots for sale. When looking at a map, any lot that is colored RED is available for purchase. To inquire about purchasing a lot, please reach out to Yvonne Currie, Membership Coordinator, using the
CONTACT tab or by calling the office at (989) 785 - 4201 on how to acquire a CCR owned lot.
The Board of Directors has established the following procedures for the sale of a Ranch-owned lot:
- A member submits a request to the Board of Directors to purchase a specific Ranch-owned lot.
- The Administrative Office will notify all adjoining lot owners (corner lot owners do not apply) via a letter, to their last known mailing address, stating that a sale is pending, and they may submit a sealed bid on said lot no later than 30 days from the date of the letter.
- The Administrative Office will notify the entire membership via the CCR News of the pending sale, and that any Member may submit a sealed bid on said lot no later than 30 days from the date of the notification.
- Upon opening of the sealed bids, provided no sale shall be for less than the appraised value of the Ranch-owned lot, the highest bid shall be accepted. When there are two or more bidders, the highest CASH offer shall be accepted, and the Association will NOT accept trade of lot(s).
- The Member or Members owning adjoining parcels of land consisting of one or more lots which have been improved by the construction of a dwelling thereon shall have the opportunity to match the highest CASH bid offered to acquire the lot(s). If said Member declines to match this bid, then the Member or Members owning an adjoining unimproved lot(s) shall have the opportunity to match the highest CASH bid offered to acquire the lot(s). If said Member declines to match this bid, then the lot(s) will be sold to the Member or Members that submitted the highest bid.